All your code needs to start with:
  $p = new Paypal();

Then you can get the balance and output in a nice table like this
 $balance = $p->GetBalance();
 echo "<table style='border: 1px solid black; 
 width: 300px;'>
 <td><font style="font-family: verdana, 
 sans serif; font-size: 12px;'>
 Current Donation Level:<BR>
 <b style='background-color: yellow;'>$bal</b>
 </td></tr></table> ";

If your account has money in multiple currencies, you can do something like this
 $balances = $p->GetMultipleBalance();
 for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($balances); $k++) {
   $balance = $balances[$k];
   $amount = $balance[0];
   $currency = $balance[1];
   echo "My balance: $amount in currency: $currency<BR>";


Then, you can also output the last few transactions:
  $transactions = $p->GetTransactions();
  echo "Recent Donations:<BR>";
  for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($transactions); $k++) {
    $t = $transactions[$k];
    echo "<li>" . $t["nameemail"] . " donated " . 
    $t["amount"] . "on " . $t["date"] . "<BR>";